We were fortunate enough to have a massive garden at the farmhouse that’s fenced in! However, it needed some TLC and wasn’t mapped out or maintained properly in a very long time. Last year was a trial run, we planted anything we liked without doing much research. This year it’s time for some serious gardening. I might’ve mentioned in a previous post that we don’t really have a “green thumb” and coming from city living we were lucky to have a decent fire escape! Since Kris is the culinary genius (plugging his food blog 500 tasty sandwiches) the garden is all his doing, he mapped out everything with drawings and spreadsheets (blah, blah). This past weekend we decided to make six 16′ x 4′ raised beds for the garden (yes, we did it all ourselves). Surprisingly enough it was a very fun project with no casualties and about a days work. Those of you who actually know me will find this pretty shocking! Take a look at our DIY raised beds and hopefully we motivate you to make your own, or even to start a garden…
- We used untreated pine lumber that was 1′ high, you can also double them up for an even higher bed. To brace the beds we used 4″ posts.
- Double dig the area you want to build the beds to ensure loose soil and most grass is eliminated.
- The hardest part here was making sure the lumber was level and all the beds were aligned correctly.
- Finished! Now we just need to fill the beds with the 20 tons of organic soil that was dumped at the end of our driveway (let the fun begin)!
- Time to plant! Stay tuned for what we planted and see the garden transform as the summer progresses.